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Overcome issues and obstacles


  • PING is an all-volunteer group  that  provides instruments, supplies and so much more! Eligibility is based on free and reduced lunch AND other factors that may be causing undue emotional and/or financial hardship in your life. Click here to learn more. 

Do not hesitate to contact PING. Their purpose is to help all students participate in music education!

  • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY AN INSTRUMENT!  Austin Music Center rents instruments at a fair and reasonable rate. In addition, you do not have to commit to renting the instrument beyond the first three months which is really a trial period. Find out about Instrument Rental here.


  • We are fortunate to live in a community in which there are many enrichment choices. Consider that an indicator of a good school district is whether they have a music program. Shouldn't you allow your child to participate in a program that tells you s/he is in a good school? 

  • Practicing takes time, but it doesn't have to take much time. In addition, it can be a time your child looks forward to-for many reasons. Practice takes as much time as your child needs to master goals set by the music teacher or you or the student. The focus is progress, not time.

  • Take a look at Positive Practice and Practice Games. Structuring practice to achieve goals and to have fun increases the likelihood of success. 

Web Design
Brian Cannon
Felicia Cannon,

Austin Music Center 2016
Revised 2017

Thank you to our many loyal customers. We appreciate your continued business and  the new customers you send our way. Word-of-mouth is our best advertisor. 

Many thanks to the schools, school districts, houses of worship, teachers and extra curricular fine arts programs for your excellence, effort and dedication to introducing and cultivating  a love of and an appreciation for the fine arts. 

We are proud to be part of this community.

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