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Private Teachers in the Community

Private teachers

Teachers and students have different learning and teaching styles. A teacher that is WONDERFUL,  THE BEST, TERRIFIC for one student may not be described this way for every student. This doesn't mean one teacher is better than another. For example, a high energy teacher may be perfect for your student but another student may do better with a person that is soft-spoken and has a calm demeanor. 


Seven Questions to Ask When Choosing a Music Instructor 



Austin Music Center cannot make specific recommendations. Austin Music Center, although we may have a business relationship, is not affiliated with schools or teachers listed here to the best of our knowledge.

Are you a music teacher that gives music lessons in the area or is willing to go to a student's home? It's your lucky day because it costs nothing to put your name on our list of private teachers and/or our bulletin board. Email us at, make the subject "Private Teacher." Send the info you want posted in the body of the email. 

Web Design
Brian Cannon
Felicia Cannon,

Austin Music Center 2016
Revised 2017

Thank you to our many loyal customers. We appreciate your continued business and  the new customers you send our way. Word-of-mouth is our best advertisor. 

Many thanks to the schools, school districts, houses of worship, teachers and extra curricular fine arts programs for your excellence, effort and dedication to introducing and cultivating  a love of and an appreciation for the fine arts. 

We are proud to be part of this community.

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